On 01/18/2018 06:32 PM, Paul Hänsch wrote:
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 04:34:50PM +0100, marc wrote:
The client-side Javascript to me is not a relevant issue anymore since JS is an open standard and browsers are sandboxed these days.
I'd like to disagree with this statement.
I fully agree with Marc here.

I would also like to add a more technical note.

That is that no amount of sandboxing exempts a program from havig to follow
the Free Software Definition in order to be considered Free Software.

Other than HTML documents and their stylesheets, JavaScript elements are by
themselfes programs. Although in a different context the issue of
Tivoization[1] has shown a decade ago that compliance to a license does not
guarantee compliance to this set of statements which constitute a spirit
rather than a law.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tivoization

Coercing a user into running specific code in order to view information from
your website, leaves this user powerless in regard to this code. The mere
permission to serve a modified copy on my own site, and force it over other
people in turn, does not change my standing toward the original source, as it
would do with desktop software.
Technically, with browser plugins, if the JavaScript is available in a non-minimized form, it is possible to modify it as it runs in your browser. If you interact with a number of specific sites, you could even program these modifications in your own plugins.

So in that way I don't see how JavaScript collides with the Free Software Definition if it's under a free license. Of course, it should be that - releasing software under a non-free license is never morally acceptable.

And note, with this I'm only defending JavaScript for building user interfaces, which I think is far too powerful a tool to be discarded; generally, the Web is far too powerful a technology to be discarded.

With this, however, I'm not defending tracking & advertising JavaScript - my personal hope is that Internet advertising dies, and I don't care at all if it takes Google etc down with it.

Furthermore, strong separation of the browser from the rest of the system,
even if it were possible, hardly leads to a gain where this browser and the
websites I visit are the focus of my work.

Aren't we all in some way depending on the Web for our work these days? I mean, those of us who work in software. The separation is a good idea because we hope the sandboxing can protect us from the potentially malign effects of software originating from other people's computers. The alternative would be to only visit sites we have reason to trust or only have passive HTML pages.

The first of these alternatives is kind of infeasible (because why *would* you trust your bank, airlines, travel agencies, grocers etc., indiscriminately, together with all of their employees),  and the second doesn't appear to be necessary - and as I said, I see many advantages in being able to construct software with JavaScript.
