It has not been my intend to insult, abuse, or confuse anyone with my message.
But, i have met these complaints. IMO, no person is perfect, so no one should hold themselves above insult.
I like to think i bring a fresh perspective, but -- it just seems logical to me.

Regarding concern that not following the rules that you set at a prior date will cause your funding to evaporate: i would urge you not to consider future-money, but what you are being paid for at present.

How do you think donors would feel that you spend time and energy to offer an empty election?

On 18 April 2016 at 09:47, Erik Albers <> wrote:
Hi Joe,

Am 18/04/16 um 15:07 schrieb Joe Awni:
> If you have not had time to read the message, how do you find time to reply
> at length?
> I address your concerns in my original message.

I do not see any solution to my legal concerns in your message.

> Just because you made rules, at a previous date, regarding the structure of
> the election does not mean you have to waste this election which has only
> one candidate.
> *Indeed, its the purpose of the election to let the people decide. *

and the purpose of rules is to stick to them. This is especially true for all
state-run agencies like the register of associations, revenue authorities and

if we do not stick to the rules in our constitution they will simply cut us off.

> If you insist on not allowing write-ins, I'll call the election and you can
> just go home.

sorry, I guess I do not understand this sentence completely.

Best regards,

No one shall ever be forced to use non-free software
Erik Albers | Free Software Foundation Europe
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