Peter Salus, Gylnn Moody, Rob Savoy and Leon Shiman and others are coming to both conferences  in Sept. Lets organize some more balkan stops and bring them to visit many other cites. lets work together to share expenses and we can make an economical and fun event!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jamesmikedupont@googlemail.com <jamesmikedupont@googlemail.com>
Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 3:25 PM
Subject: one major speaker coming for 2 weeks at least, lets share costs!
To: boukouvalas@gmail.com, elefteria@abiss.gr, karounos@mail.ntua.gr, Elena Ignatova <elenaignatova@gmail.com>, novica@bagra.org, Sanjin Buzo <sanjin.buzo@oneworldsee.org>, Milos Rancic <millosh@gmail.com>, brian@briks.si, mm@yuhu.biz, sponsorship@freesb.eu, info <info@flossk.org>

We have now booked peter salus for two seeks in sept. from the 10-26 ,
he is interested in doing a road show in between the freesb on sept 11-12 and the sfk on 25-26.

Peter salus is of groklaw fame, the autor of the history of unix.

Also we have glynn moody the author of rebel code, leon shiman the founder of x.org, and rob savoy of gnash/cygwin. We would like to try and share costs with you, so if we can arrange for a talk someplace else between the 14-24 we can organize a road show.

We are planning right now for tirana, shkdoer and prizren, but it might be better to do skopje, thesaloniki, podgorica and nis. those would all be in the area.


James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania flossk.org flossal.org

James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania flossk.org flossal.org