
On 2014-04-24 15:04, Nikos Roussos wrote:

Σε όλους τος υπολογιστές, παντού τριγύρω μας:Ο κατάλογος
=> Thelei keno meta to ":"

Gia osous theloune na singrinoune tin metafrasi me ali glosa, brika p.x.
afto http://download.fsfe.org/advocacy/leaflets/leaflet-fs-and-tools-inside.en.pdf
kai afto http://download.fsfe.org/advocacy/leaflets/leaflet-fs-and-tools-cover-and-inside.de.pdf
edo: https://fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword.en.html#free-software

Se mia sindomi sigrisi tis agglikis kai tis germanikis ekdosis anakalipsa simantikes diafores sta kimena.

Stin Germaniki ekdosi mou aresei poly pos antimetopisane ksekathara kai xoris na ta masane to thema tis timis apo free software.

- Anaferoune ta open standards kai se afto to context tin Microsoft kai tin Apple
- "Gratis ist nicht gleich frei" (=Dorean den simenei elefthero): Anaferoune Freeware kai tis diafores me to Free Software
- "Frei ist nicht gleich gratis" (=Elefthero den simenei dorean): Anaferoune ksekathara oti iparxi kai Free Software me price tag kai eksigoune ti plironei kaneis se tetia periptosh (p.x. gia tin dianomi tou kodika, support, klp)
- Anaferoune to logotypo tis GPL kai tou copyleft me eksigiseis gia afta

Pistevw oti afta einai kala themata, esis ti lete?

Thinker Rix

*Thinker Rix*, an internet user.
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